Friday, March 30, 2012

thanks because of u, i love cat! :D

Align Center

thanks dear, cause you make me no fear to cute cat! aww, i really loves cat now. not just cat, my hamster too. and one day, i want to adopt a parsian cat:D here's some cute cat pic i just wanted to sharee :D

Monday, March 26, 2012

last night

silamat melamm. hee. sijuk bha ne hari, tidur pun shiukk neh. aww. ne hari sa tidur mau 26jam ohh. gosh! dari semalam saya tidur, saya bangun balik malam sudehh! err. lain saya rasa. teda bangun2 lagi tuhh. ruparupanya sa bangun kann, trus p tandas shower. sa pi luar, ckp sama mama saya. men lama sy tidur tadi masih jua malam? bila mao pagi nehh? truss neh kana percik sama air, bilangnyaa "kau tidur satu hari satu malam kau tiakk sedar khaa? adeii" then saya pun sakap "hooh!? yakahhh. "trus tinuk hp nee. alalaa. btul juax tao. kenapaa laa sa begini ini. astagaa. hiii. kamu tao kaa, sa heran butull baa tinuk hp saa kinapa lngsung teda sms or call. sa lupa butull sa nhe nda pakai simcard suda. tukoiii, mana lah sy terbangun kalau hp sy tia kasi bangun. sabab ituu laaa. saya tidur setjaa. ngee -,- sa boring nhe d rumaa stjaa. teda simcard, teda hp, teda lappy, teda padpad(aiyoo!lau my cusie taw kana curi nhe,knfom sa kana teriakk):p sa mau kirijaa ba kunu. aisehh. mcm itu lepasan spm punya tripp bhaa. haissh! padahal spm pun tedaaa. puik! bilaa ba kunu selesai prob saia ene, taikk jua tu sch. naaah! sa mcm teda smgat mau sch baa. turuss tarangg laa ne. sa mau trus kirija. buduh baa sa kan? biarrlaa! bukan hidup kau punn. hahah! cpt btul sa panas nhe -,- what happen to me ahr? by the way kan, sa punya azam neh taun hancurr suda satu, sedih sa nehh. susa2 sa tia mau sua smoke. tibatibaa 'ter' laa baa. naaa. 2012 without smoke kono saya ~ tiada suda tuu bush! sa harap azam sa yg lain tercapai laa. okhe. smile setjaa. papai. gud nyte ~.~

Monday, March 19, 2012

i miss you badly hubhub. tao ka kauu? hee!

hairstyles! ♥

hii, good night readers and blogwalkers. haha. not even night if u read this at mornings, whatever! good whatever. haha. today, i want to show lil bit of hairstyle that awesome, i like it. dosen't even care laa for boys or girls. most of hairstyle i like is from korean, yeah there have a good hair. good? noo, i meant nice,beautiful, or whatever called nice, smart pretty :D

*Beast- JunHyung. brown coffee,nice kan?idk what should we call this hairstyle,but i like this one. :p

*this one, red hair, its look like orange/red .its looks awesome from 'siring' haha.ilike it oso :D

*japanesse look, Rina Aizawa hairstyle looks preety and cute!

kim hyunA with cute ponytails

*koo hye sun shag hairstyle,looks cute :3

haha, thats all for todaee. im so dizzy now. it will update soon. more hot hairstyles coming. lazy to upload. geez. give me streamyx so can browse more faster and apple mac toO! o.O"

since im bored with Facebook, im back to Blogging :)

bored liao with thiss. hoho! im moving to :::BLOGWALKING

*ini gambar dea pun bejalan, bye pisbuk.

first love #last love

goshh! tadikann, aku nampk ex ak dukung baby dia~solosolo. my gadd. old story begins.huhu. dulu ak sayang dia laa, tpi dia curank! budu waa dia kann? susa2 sa setia, kunun laa setia! berghh! pantad laa. dia curank sa cekewa laa ba, sa pun curank laa baa. apa jua mau pikir. bukan jua sa rugi apa2 baa. satu sn pun duit sa nda hbis, naa. sekarang, kena kasi tinggal ba kau ole bini kau. kesian aku tgk kau baa sbnarnyaa bui, tapi sorry to say. once i hate u, forever it will. kau tgk sa tdi kan,snyum kau sma aku. lain suda. nda suda mcm dulu. well, kesian btul ba kau, gara2 org lean kau yg kena paksa kawin ngn tu gurl. kw tingu laa skrg siapa yg btul siapa yg sala kan? nasib baik sy tia terover dgn kau kann dulu? baik baa kau ne, kau jaga sa baik2. nda perna kau sntuu2 sa smbrgan. tapi hanya gara2 tu gurl baa kau punya masa depan rusak. kau pun buduu baa! mau jua ikut tu gurll. doi, sy cukup tia puas hati oke. smpai skrg. mcm taik gaya kau tyme tuhh. kimaa. lol. anak kau 101% teda iras muka kau, pun kau nda sedar. then, lagi menyakitkan aku kannn. nama anak kau buh!! siall ne, nangis aku dgr, nama kita dua org. haissh! buduh! kau sewel kaa tubal? mau tau sepa nama dia? Naa nii: Nurul Syafizie Hidaini . mana nda dekat nama kami kan? ishh, rimas aku lol! tadi dia post lae pic baby dia di wall akuh. geez, kenapa ba buii? sakit bhu tu kimaa. cari laa wa bini kau, saya teda perasaan sua sama kau, dan nda mungkin sua kita mcm dulu lg. sbb sa yg kc break kau, dan prinsip saya tidak akan jilat ludah sy balik. no no no. jgn kau rayu saya, saya remove suda kau, dlm fb sy,fon sy palink pentink otak saya! faham? hoho. macam kasi lepas geram bha akuu d sini. gambar kau saya delete, gambar kita lagii laa saya delete. buang truss dari kepala otak. selama 1 taun lebi kita couple, nothing special. now saya sua sayang sama org lain , hoho. sa janji sa setia ma dia. nta laa, first time saya sayang org mcm dia. the truth laa, first sy mula2 syg dia berabiss. blum pun sa jumpa dia sua sy nangis neh lau dia ckp dia mau sitiggal sa, budu beh saya kan. padahal sa nda perna jumpa dia, tpi sa sayang mauk matikk sua neh, smpaii sekarang begitu jua syg sy ma dia aa. lebih lea, :D sa happy sama dia waa. biar pun dia suka btul kasi ngis sa nii. haha. sweet baa dia. first time laa sy zatuh sinta begini ginkk. kamu adaa ka mcm kami? 1st meet, hold hand, 2nd3rd meets suda pigi pantai sama2, pigi waterworld sama2. jalan sana sini, jumpa hari2. duii, teda baa kamu tuhhh. org dua tiga taun couple pun ndak mcm kami. hoho. so sweet. biar pun dia marah2 sa kan,, dalam hatisa tetap syg ma dia. biar la byk pun boy2 yg lae hansem,bagus kaa, apaa kaaa. dia jua dalam hati saya. biarlaa dia jd last love saya. smpai saya mati. (:

*dalam aty, eee. kiut baby dia. sy pun mau baby! hahha. mimpi :3

Friday, March 16, 2012

stay up till 2am

huii, i miss you so much for a long day. apakaa? long time no blogging, and now just arived from #bruneidarussalam. have a great day there for 5days. and comeback with 'montelmontel' now. just 5days my weight increase to 46kg ! mygoaatt! before is just 38kg. too much eating, and sleeping. well, i stay at my unlce house, which is at Istana near the capital city. awesome, i felt like a princess. wawawa. so big that house, my eyes is rolling up and down. hehe. got swimming pool too, it just at my backdoor i meant just blakang my room that i stayed. and my unlce said, he want me to school there, at Jerudong International School , he would like to pay all and sponser mylife. wootss. im so shy ohhh. now still thinking bout it, huh. its not easy for me. even just for a half year. its hardlife i must bear without my parents beside, also i will miss my boyfriend too. im crazy without him. goshhh! i think i dont want to be so much2 far away from them , espeacialy him, my babyboy. yulkkss. i dont think so to move there, even my uncle said he will give me a flight every 2 weeks. its still hard for me, the cellphone also lame, i need to changes simcard which so expansive, to buy a simcard only cost BSD40$ which are RM90+ ,how to call to malaysia? so expansive too. im tottaly cant live like that. hoho, okay close that story. im dont want think about school now, make me sick much. errgh. the day at brunei making me so shopaholic, the cloths, all things there look so cheap, but i dont know if the money convereted to ringgit, im just buyying things until my money is finished, and i dont know what have i bought. by the way, i want to give all my relatives some gifts. hehe. not much but a little. huuuh, i need rest now. i guess! heee. okayy. byee : D

Friday, February 10, 2012

mengimbass kisahh lama


sangat sakit hati tersangat oke. doii. keteringat kembali kunu kisah lama, dulu2. masa aku dan dia. ishh! gara2 terlihatt pic dia tadi, holding my hands . aku rasa tu larr pic yg paling de last aku simpan. kenangan sama dia. huhu. yg lain suddaaa delete. sakit hati okeh! hmmph. actually aku nemaw ingat tetang dia lagi. lepas aku kasi broken dia. aku sua tia layan dia langsung. kejamm okeh aku! hussh. sampai sekarang aku tia taw mana dia pegi. dalam hati aku, lantakk lah apa dia maw buat, mana dia maw pegi, sama sepa ka dia. aku tia maw peduli sua. maybe sebab aku sua bosan dengan smua tuhh. dia hipokrit sangat! biar la smua org ckp dia sayang sangat dekat aku, dia cari2 aku. ada aku kesaah? tedaa bha. dia tia taw selama dia dgn aku, aku tia pernah kasi sakit hati dia. aku sabar seja. tapi asal aku buat salah sikit~ smua dia maw marah. bukan sy pun buat silap tetap salahkan saya. dia kongkong saya, jgn buat itu,buat ini. tia bole kawan ngn boy. saya faham jua baa dia syg sy, tapi tida begitu kan caranya? tidak perlu guna kekerasan bha. sampai mau kasi mati anak orang. sedar la bha, kita hanya couple. belum jugaa ibubapa kita restu. parents kau, orang terkenal, kaya . so jgn kasi malu dorg bahh. sy ne, apa juakk bha. byk lea cewe lean. kau handsome, tapi perangai kau. tolong ubah. sy kecewa sbb kau tia pernah mau hargai orang lain di sekeliling kau. kau berabiss pun syg ma sy teda gunaa. sy tia pernah ada perasaan dgn kau. sy selalu ckp bgitu, tapi ko tia peduli kan? sy tia suka hubungan kita begitu. sy lebih suka jdi kawan kau, bestfriend kau. sbb sy tau sy tia akan jatuh hati dgn mudah. sy dpat rasa jodoh sy bukan dgn kau. tapi kau kecewakan saya. saya sedih! sangat! okee. wlaupun smpai skrg, sy susah mau lupakan kesalahan kau, smoga tuhan ampunkan dosa kau. sy harap kau berubah, hope kau dapat wanita yg syg sma kau. yg terbaik dari aku. sbab aku tia mungkin hidup dgn org mcm kau lagi. maaf. kau mmg baik pada aku, tapi...orang sekeliling kau? mcmana? harta tia menjamin kebahagiaan, dan sy bukan perempuan yg mata duitan,metrialistik. tidak okeh. sy tia pernah minta2 dgn kau apa pun. sy terima apa yg kau bagi dgn baik, jaga smua th dengan baik. tapisy minta maaf, sy terpaksa buang semua tuh, bukan hak saya lagi. dan sy thu kalau sy simpan smua akan sakit kan hati sy seja. harap kau faham okeh? sy taw kau selalu baca blogs sy, lepas nie tolong stop. sy tia maw kau kecewa. sia tia suka sakitkan hati kau. ubah sikap kau. lupakan sy, sorry sbab smua yg berlaku antara kita duluu. sy tia boleh bertahan dgn kau. selamanya. sy sua mencintai org lain. dan berharap dia sygkan sy seikhlasnya.

#sy tia maw pisang berbuah dua kali, boleh? :')
i want to be in a relationship where

-I can wear his large t-shirt at night
-We can both sleep together in one bed
-We can be like kids making silly faces and doing baby talks
-I can shout at him when I’m mad, then he’ll hug me tight so I’ll shut up
-He’ll pull me close to him so I won’t have the chance to let go
-Our parents approve
-We do plans on our future
-We’ll watch horror movies together
-I’ll kiss him secretly then he’ll smile
-We’ll fight, but not that much
-We’ll break up but get back together few days after
-He’ll make me the luckiest girl in the world
-I’m the only girl he loves
-I want to be in a relationship, no matter how many trials will come along the way, as long as i’ll be in a relationship with you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

naaa. nda ketiduranss 1 hari.

*mcm bebeh mylalenks diz. hha. kiut&ilikeit!*

sy baring2 sy ingat dia. doiii. sakit hati! rindu gilakk sy pat si dea. slalu 24/7 bekepit sama dea. nda maw lepass toiik! tapiii sekarangg, gila babesss berjauhan, sangat menyeksakann okeh! mcm hari2 sy nangis. kilikkk ba saia! huu. goddd, pelisss la. mcmana mau idup beginini nehh! bodoo punya sy. ishhh. k-baiii! panat bfikirr! -,-

Thursday, January 12, 2012

aku rindu dia

omygadd. lama sua sia tea jumpa dia baa. rindu saia neh maw tinguk dia senyum beginii! jarang betul saia nampak picture dia senyum begini. haha. selalu picture dia muka blurr seja , senyum pun mcm paksa2 , dis one lahh. ikhlas sikit dia smile. handsome lagii dia smile beginii. kiutt okk ! dan saia taw , saia rindu deaa! aww. kbaii !

Monday, December 19, 2011

belated birthday .

hee! im celebrating my 16th birthday, since its late. we share this celebration with my grandma and brother . (:

Stevie Hoang - Half A Chance

*Bestt nie laguu

Wasn’t you that said
We have a problem we should talk it out
Don’t give upon me now
Wait hold on just seat down
Promises that I made in the past
I broke them so many times
But girl deep inside
I am hoping that you’ll find
Forgive what is in your heart
Let’s go right back to the start
I’ll be the man that you fell in love with
We’ll make it through the rain
I’ll make you trust again
I know I can do it


Just give me half the chance
To make you believe again
Half the chance
I am ready to make a change
Half the chance
To be your man
To understand
And love you again
Half the chance
I know I can do it
Half the chance
Girl just let me prove it
Half the chance
I am ready to sacrifice
Girl I pay the highest price
I know I can make it right
Just give me half the chance

Baby don’t say a word
Hold on just let me finish
So you wanna give up on this relation ship
Cause your heart is not in it
And it only kills me inside
Cause you don’t feel the same

Do whatever it takes
To make you love me again

Forgive what is in your heart
Let’s go right back to the start
I’ll be the man that you fell in love with
We’ll make it through the rain
I’ll make you trust again
I know I can do it


I am not asking for too much
I know it’s gonna take some time
Baby find a way back to your love
If i got to start from the bottom
And that’s what I’ll do
I’ll make my way to the top
I got so much to prove
I am not throwing …
I am not letting you down


Thanks to feel

Saturday, December 17, 2011

"The Way I Do"

Your kiss, your smile, your mind
You're sunlight in my eyes
I miss your breath on my neck
When we whisper in the night

Didn't wanna want you
Didn't wanna need you so bad
Didn't wanna wake up
And find that I was falling so fast
Didn't wanna need you
Didn't wanna need anyone
Now look what you've done

Now I can't go on without you
I'm naked, I cant fake it.
I'm not that strong without you
Never thought I could love you the way I do.

Your touch, your skin, can't believe the way you let me in
Don't rush tonight, I need you like the ocean needs the tide.

Didn't wanna want you
Didn't wanna need you so bad
Didn't wanna wake up
And find that I was falling so fast
Didn't wanna need you
Didn't wanna need anyone
Now look what you've done

Now I can't go on without you
I'm naked, I cant fake it.
I'm not that strong without you
Never thought I could love you the way I do.

I always thought I would stand on my own
Climb a mountain top all alone
Relying, depending on no one
Now look at what you've done

Now I can't go on without you
I'm naked, I cant fake it.
I'm not that strong without you
Never thought I could love you the way I do.

Never thought I could love you
Never thought I could need you
Never thought I could want you
The way I do

Never thought I could love you
Never thought I could need you
Never thought I could want you
The way I do

I love you
I need you
I want you
..the way I do

imagine if relationships are perfect:

-No Fights.
-No Tears.
-No Arguments.
-No Misunderstandings.

....Dream come true huh?

But without these, there would be…

=No Sorry.
=Hugs and Kisses.
=No Saying of the Sweetest Words.
=No Reason to STAY.
=No Growth of FAITH in BOTH of YOU.

.....Now, how would you want it to be perfect?

boyy , im sorry .

btw , i draw thiss . i know it is uglyy , yeahh so much ! but since i draw this . enjoyy . hehe . *shy*

we fight , and you leave ... i don't know what to do . im so saddddddd ! :'(

im pretend to be okay , but up until now . my eyes , still tearing . my heart still hurts . my mind , still thinking of you . my imigination , still your shadow . my hand , keep missing yours . my ears , still i hear your sweet voices . my nose , still missing your scent . my mouth , the words 'i love you' still dancing . boyy , im sorry . i was bad . i miss youuu . forgive me .

you andd me

mengimbass masa laluu . where the first time i know you . and the first you say 'Hey' to me . huhu . after a few months leter , you appears . i saw you . and started to know each other more , and we fall for each other . im happy , so much . i never mentioned this , but its happen like a fairytale . and i don't want it fade . i love you now , and foreverrr .

Thursday, December 15, 2011

your songss ♥

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do
See I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world

If I was a sculptor, but then again no
Or a girl who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song, and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world